Wild songs and Poetry blog 13
BLOG 13: From this list answer in detail.
1. Wordsworth: Sunshine and clouds in
2. An impression of the “sister” in Tintern Abbey .
3. The morality of Tintern Abbey (or of Immortality ).
Discuss in the poems from the Romanticism Period: 4. The
function of nature in a single poem. 5. A comparison between a
Keats poem and one by Shelley. 6. A single emotion that attracts
the speaker—and why.
Wordsworth is not very fond of nature. We know this because in "Odes on Intimations of Immortality," the poem is mainly about the relationship of humanity and nature being broken. Wordsworth isn't so much of nature despite its beauty because the idea of humanity being no longer connected to nature saddens him. Wordsworth wonders about the part of humanity that has fallen into depression, he wonders how these people revive their spirits. The sunshine also saddens Wordsworth, although it symbolizes a glorious birth, it makes him realize that glory will always be taken away from the earth. The sunshine or birth awakens and reminds us of its setting. Just as how the clouds gather near the setting sun bringing darkness upon the sky. The clouds remind us of the bad constantly happening in the world. According to the poem the clouds not only watch over the sky but the mortality of man as well.

As a way of expressing their feelings Shelley and Keats use nature. Nature can be a form of expression with little thought, this can be taken from these poems. As a way to express Shelley's feelings toward the king and princes the use of leeches, muddy springs and untilled fields expressed his frustration. In bright star, Keats doesn't use words as dark as Shelley's when talking about moving water or mountains. Yet, Keats uses nature to express his loneliness and desire for his love.
Love can be found in nature, it is an emotion that attracts someone. It usually has a great story to be told and often times is beautiful and as peaceful as nature. Love grows with time and becomes more complex, over time you may fall more in love with the different aspects of nature just as you would a person.

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