Differences in Religions
1. Compare the recommendations for human conduct offered in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5.3–11) and those that are implied in the Greek texts you have read.
The Beatitudes are Christians that have faith in God and serve Him. They look to the Bible for advice and wisdom, to provide an explanation behind their religious beliefs. Throughout the Greek stories we have read, multiple different religions and beliefs are perceived, but they all follow and serve the Greek gods and goddesses. The Greek gods give advice by telling these stories, much like the stories in the Bible. In the Greek religious texts, contact between mortals and immortals was not uncommon. However, this does not happen for the Beatitudes.

2. How do Islamic perceptions of Heaven and Hell differ from those of Christianity and Judaism?
In Islamic religion they have an Allah, not a God, He holds the highest place in heaven. They believe when you die you go to Jannah, the after life. This is a place that has 8 gates which one can walk through. They believe when you reach the gates, Allah is the one who judges your past life choices and will determine where you will be placed. If Allah decided your bad actions outweighed your good, you will go to Jahannam, or hell. Islams believe that during reincarnation they will make it back to earth.
- Christianity and Judaism are more similar because they both believe in a God and when you die, you go to heaven. The Jews call this Gan Eden. They believe heaven has one single pearly gate that you stop at and before you enter everything you have done in your life will be replayed with no embellishments. You must have faith in God in order to go to heaven, and you must have good actions because these will be judged by God. When a person goes to Hell, or what they call Gehinnom, one does not believe in God and they have made some unrighteousness choices in their life. Both religions believe that wherever you are judged to end up, heaven or hell, you will remain there.

3. What is the Koranic attitude toward women as revealed in Sura 12 (Joseph)?
- The Koranic attitude towards women is very similar to the attitude towards women in the Epic of Gilgamesh. They are treated more so as objects than actual human beings. The only purpose they serve is to nurture the men and provide them with pleasure.
The Beatitudes are Christians that have faith in God and serve Him. They look to the Bible for advice and wisdom, to provide an explanation behind their religious beliefs. Throughout the Greek stories we have read, multiple different religions and beliefs are perceived, but they all follow and serve the Greek gods and goddesses. The Greek gods give advice by telling these stories, much like the stories in the Bible. In the Greek religious texts, contact between mortals and immortals was not uncommon. However, this does not happen for the Beatitudes.

2. How do Islamic perceptions of Heaven and Hell differ from those of Christianity and Judaism?
In Islamic religion they have an Allah, not a God, He holds the highest place in heaven. They believe when you die you go to Jannah, the after life. This is a place that has 8 gates which one can walk through. They believe when you reach the gates, Allah is the one who judges your past life choices and will determine where you will be placed. If Allah decided your bad actions outweighed your good, you will go to Jahannam, or hell. Islams believe that during reincarnation they will make it back to earth.
- Christianity and Judaism are more similar because they both believe in a God and when you die, you go to heaven. The Jews call this Gan Eden. They believe heaven has one single pearly gate that you stop at and before you enter everything you have done in your life will be replayed with no embellishments. You must have faith in God in order to go to heaven, and you must have good actions because these will be judged by God. When a person goes to Hell, or what they call Gehinnom, one does not believe in God and they have made some unrighteousness choices in their life. Both religions believe that wherever you are judged to end up, heaven or hell, you will remain there.
3. What is the Koranic attitude toward women as revealed in Sura 12 (Joseph)?
- The Koranic attitude towards women is very similar to the attitude towards women in the Epic of Gilgamesh. They are treated more so as objects than actual human beings. The only purpose they serve is to nurture the men and provide them with pleasure.
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