Blog 1: Gilgamesh
BLOG 1: 1. Gilgamesh has the earliest version of the flood story that appears later in the Old Testament (Genesis 6–9). Discuss how each version has very different emphases and draws a different moral. 2. As the earliest human epic Gilgamesh also invites comparisons with later epics like the Odyssey and the Aeneid. Each provides a different goal as an organizing principle—the return home, the founding of a state, the search for immortality—and in each, the gods involve themselves in human affairs. Discuss the relationship of the gods to the protagonist’s quest in each epic.
1. When reading both of these stories and begin comparing them, the Old Testament (Genesis 6-9) to the story of Gilgamesh, you see many similarities but also a lot of differences. One of the main differences between the Old Testament (Genesis 6-9) and Gilgamesh is in the story of the flood in Genesis. In Genesis there is only one profound God, but in Gilgamesh there are many Gods talked about. Many of the gods in Gilgamesh have found today to be myths. Both stories have many stories that help protagonist understand and believe. In Genesis in the story of the flood, God spoke to Noah and told him there would be a great flood and had him build a ark. In Gilgamesh the flood was only in a dream. In both stories both were told to build a boat or ark to help them survive through the flood. In Gilgamesh the boat was built in a cube shape and only was built with one door and only carried family and land animals. In the book of Genesis the ship was in the form of a oblong box and was built with enough room for family members and all animals. The duration of these floods were also different. The duration of the flood in Gilgamesh was only six days, compared to the book of Genesis which was forty days and forty nights. This is believed because that's how long Jesus spent in the desert.
2. One of the main goals in the story of Gilgamesh is Odysseus search for immortality. This story was filled with many lessons including a very long and painful journey. It is said that this story was told to help others focus on the golden rule, and doing good for others. This story showed that someone is always there for you and that you can always find your way back home. Even though Odysseus was betrayed and lied to many times he was able to accomplish his goal. The goal in Aeneid is the founding of state. Aeneas is taught the powers and how to control an empire. This is a motivational story that gives people hope when the going gets tough that they can push through it.

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